Ghanem Law Firm
Ghanem Law Firm is one of the most reputable Law Firms in Lebanon. It was founded in the city of Beirut-Lebanon in year 1997.The firm provides legal counsel and represents a diversity of local and global Group Companies and individual clients with high expertise in Debt collection.
Get a free quoteHaving a strong partner by your side assures that your needs will be effectively serviced at a high level of legal assistance. Also, means that you are fully protected, that your personal counsel has done the requisite due diligence, and that you are getting the best possible defense which aims to win your case and collect your money back.
Knowing that legal situations differ in each case; WE, at Ghanem Law firm, knits our defense approach to aim with your company's and individual unique needs. Our status as a boutique law firm allows us to partner with and service our clients in this manner. We wisely choose the most important transactions and business matters selectively to provide our clients with a very high level of personal service only found at larger law firms.
Feel free to contact us via:
- Email: elias@ghanemlawfirm.com
- Mobile: +961 3 333 602
It depends on a case-by-case basis, but usually it will be a specific percentage of the amount of debt.
We have written a detailed guide about debt collection. Click the button below to read it.
Top-Rated Debt Collection Agency in Lebanon
